All In One SEO Tutorial

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A twitter friend requested help with All In One SEO the other day and I wasn’t pleased with the available tutorials. So I made my own. If you like it, please share it as most other tutorials for All In One are outdated or flat out incorrect. If you have any questions ask me in the comments and I’ll help you.


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  1. ahhhh! cool man, just what I needed. I just installed all in one for the first time yesterday 🙂

  2. Very comprehensive and educational, Craig! Thanks for putting this together for our benefit. I enjoyed the trip behind the scenes and finding out what I could do (and should not do) to optimize my WordPress blog for better SEO rankings.

    Looking forward to more from you!

  3. Craig Fifield says:

    thanks a lot Jared and Linda! if you ever have any questions just let me know

  4. Thanks Craig, that is a must watch for all bloggers.

  5. Craig Fifield says:

    thanks Sarah! glad you checked it out. do note though that I’m not saying all blogs should use AIO. every site is different and All In One only does so much. I do think it is a must watch for all AIO users though 😉

  6. Fabulous tutorial Craig! Thank you so much for putting this together… I’ve had All in One SEO installed for over a month, and never touched it, ’cause I had NO IDEA what to do with it 🙁

    I enjoyed this so much, I even tweeted it! … which is another thing I’ve hardly touched ’cause I barely know what to do with it lol. Got any tutorials? 😉

  7. Craig Fifield says:

    Hi Heidi,

    Sounds like you are just the person I was making this tutorial for, I hope it helps you rank better from here on out! A Twitter tutorial is also a good idea and something I would like to put together as well, I will certainly ping you if I do 🙂 And thank you very much for your Tweet!

  8. excellent information. have seen many tutorials on configuration seo allinone.
    yours is tops in the explanation of each option!
    tight and too the point info!

  9. Craig,

    Awesome explanation! Thanks for sharing…and looking forward to your future blog posts and videos!


  10. Craig Fifield says:

    Lizzie, Neal

    Thanks a lot, I hope it was helpful to you.

  11. Hi Craig,

    Your SEO settings video was well worth the 20 minute investment. You’ve explained the settings very clearly, so I appreciate your effort in making this information available. I’ve implemented some of the suggested changes and will monitor how future posts rank when compared to some of my recent posts. Thanks, Ray

  12. Craig Fifield says:

    I’m pleased you found it useful Ray. Long term it should help your rankings no problem, especially if you spend a little extra time making custom post titles like I showed in the tutorial. Good luck!

  13. Wow, Craig! Amy at ( recommended this video and I am so glad she did! This was well worth the time as I actually understand a bit more about SEO now. Thanks for helping me to optimize my site! You did a great job with this video. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Craig, I have to add to the accolades here. Great video. In the comments section you said something I wish you could elaborate on. You said that not all blogs should use AIO. Could you give an example of a case where AIO should NOT be used?

    Many thanks again for a great job!

    • Craig Fifield says:

      Hi Matt,

      Thanks for the kind words!

      I mentioned that because I wanted to cover my butt with my SEO friends. Most good SEOs would say AIO doesn’t do enough for SEO (which is true if you are anal about SEO) but the reality is that for most average blogs AIO is just fine.

      If you want to take SEO further you should look to other plugins like Headspace and even manual site tweaks but that takes a lot more skill to understand and implement.

  15. Thank you! I have had the All In One SEO plugin for a couple of weeks but the help I found for it was doing more damage than help. It was great to have you explain why I was doing things so I felt better about my choices.

  16. Craig. This is the only tutorial I have found which is right on point. Clear, understandable and finally something that makes sense. Thanks.
    I have a question. First, we optimize the blog from the main All In One SEO page as you described in the first part of the video. Then, we can optimize each individual post (and page). What do you do when one of your pages is your static page, your home page. Should the information on the individual page SEO match the information on the main All In One SEO page? Same with the posts. When one of your posts is your homepage, how do you complete each section?

  17. nice job

  18. New to WordPress and this was an awesome video. Answered all my questions and more.

    Thanks so much Craig.

  19. WOW! I am blown away by how well you described and illustrated the process of maximizing All In One. Blogging with Amy sent me over here to watch your video and I’m soooo glad she did! I’m excited to see how this changes my very new blog and am so glad to have gotten this information at the beginning of my journey!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to put this tutorial together. It is quite beneficial and I’m sure I’ll be sharing it with others. EVERYONE needs to see this!! Well, not my competition!! 🙂

  20. Fantastic video Craig! Just what we were looking for. I googled ‘all in one seo tutorial’ and your site was quite high up on the list, so you’ve obviously optimized this site quite well. Great job, thanks! 🙂

  21. Wow! Bloggin with Amy sent me here. Thank you so much!

  22. Great tutorial Craig! I am not sure just yet if I have the technique down but I am working on it. Thanks for this informative video.

  23. Craig Fifield says:

    thanks a lot! let me know if you have any questions

  24. Hi, I came here via many sites and I am glad I did. Probably the most useful video I have seen. I have implemented the necessary changes.

    Much appreciated

    Carole Lyden

  25. Craig,
    Excellent video tutorial and explanation of AIO. I’ve watched 3 or 4 tonite and this by far was the most helpful. I was like Heidi from earlier, had it installed and left it alone,cuz I didn’t know what to do with it.


  26. Great video tutorial! I learned things I never knew before. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  27. Hi Craig, I saw on another developers site a clever paypal gift option called ‘buy me a coffee’. I would be happy to buy you a coffee in exchange for this useful tutorial.

  28. Craig Fifield says:

    Thanks Ian! I appreciate the offer but what I really need is a ‘buy me a beer’ button 😉

  29. Hey man,

    Thanks so much for this. Couldn’t find any relevant information about this plugin until I came across this.

  30. Thanks so much Craig! This really helped me understand how to use the plug-in and see where I was missing critical information. You rock!

  31. Craig Fifield says:

    Thanks a lot. Happy you found it helpful!

  32. Great tutorial Craig thanks, I did wonder about those %blog title% things. I do wonder why you left your keywords blank though? are they not used at all these days?

  33. Thank you for this tutorial. I have been researching these functions and was coming up with more questions than answers. Your tutorial helped me understand how to use this feature.

  34. Thanks Craig, that was a big help. I appreciate you taking the time to do a video to show us all how to make our blogs and websites rank better in the search engine.

  35. Are you going to update this?

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